Official Guidelines
(Also Known As Rules and Regulations)

- Please inform the Dockmaster if you get a new vessel or allow a vessel to use your slip in your absence, or if it is normally empty, so we will know that vessel belongs in the marina.
- Please inform the Dockmaster if you rent your slip. And, please be sure that your renter provides the Dockmaster with both contact information and particulars on the vessel. Most importantly, for everyone’s protection, we need Proof of Insurance.
- Please do not attach anything to the docks or pilings without permission from the Dockmaster
- Liveaboards?? It is not possible for you, a guest or someone renting a slip to live aboard the vessel. This is specifically precluded in your Association Documents.
- This should go without saying. But… maneuverability within the Marina is tight, and there is very little excess width in the various slips. SO, (1) vessel per slip, please!!!
- Again, because of the maneuverability issue… all vessels must conform to the official designated length of the slip. There is just no room for overhang.